Saturday 25 December 2010


Partial collection....

Merry Christmas to me!

I've just ate and ate and ate and drank lots of champagne and had a most lovely day with my family.

The best bit was a 3 hour nap after breakfast and present opening.

I got lots of lovely art from my mother, a coat that my bro described as 'looking like something the evacuated children in Narnia would wear'  (Tweed) from Dad, and some brogues from Gran.

I also got 3 more lovely festive sparkly scarves (I LOVE scarves) some lovely perfumes, and some antique jewellery.

Tomorrow is the big family event at Grans. She's asked me to bring my Karaoke machine. Yay! - although I once bust my knee in a freak Karaoke accident, singing China in Your Hands and couldnt walk for 3 months. Forgive me if I'm wary. I'll pack my spare crutches.

Night x

Thursday 23 December 2010


Just looked in the mirror and realised my skin and hair is excellent camoflage in the snow. I could be a snow predator.

Anywho, off to Sunnyland for a day on the hoy with my friends from there.



Wednesday 22 December 2010

Scrawling in 20 minutes.

My hand hurts. My brain feels better though.

Writing like that is a bit like lancing a blister. Totally cathartic.


Tuesday 21 December 2010

The inner Goldielocks

Been out for dinner with friends from St Andrews tonight.

Got a bit tiddly and started feeling all romantic about the snow and various men-folk..

Deary me, I can't seem to keep a hold of my words when I'm pissed. Tend to say things I shouldn't to people I shouldn't when I've had one too many wines (Dark rum -  who am I kidding?).

Literally let my hair down too. Well, let the curls out. Normally I fight the inner Goldielocks but I couldnt be arsed.

That Tom Jones poster was on the wall next to out table. It made my meal THAT much better. A-Mazing.



So last night I got 8 solid hours.

Wrote a fairytale about the North Wind and had a nightmare about clothes that could change colours (yeah I know...)

Like the genius Bill Hicks once said;

"I need my sleep, I really do. About 8 hours a day and 10 at night and I'm good"

Me too Bill, me too.

Monday 20 December 2010


Despite being parched of sleep of late, I'm still somewhat lucid. Just about.

The photo above was the festive scene that greeted me at Mother's today. My sleeping situation and the weather has made me consider one of Frost's more famous verses;

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

He apparently wrote it after seeing the sun rise on a winter day after writing all night.

I hope there is at worst at least one line I write in the midst of this that I can admire as much as I do this wonderful poem.

Merry Christmas.

The Girl



Evidently in my case is a privilege and not a right.

On the plus-side, for the 30 minutes of actual sleep I got last night, I can't remember any nightmares.

The previous night's slumber (All 4 hours of it) was haunted by a giant panther stalking me.

It's 10am now so I'm going to lie down and not sleep.

The Girl

Sunday 19 December 2010


This is me.

The Difference Engine has been mine for two years, but I completely forgot about it immediately after setting it up. That says a bit about the way my brain works..

This blog really isn't for anyone other than myself. If you have some how stumbled across the proverbial needle in the haystack that is The Difference Engine, I'm very sorry. It's probably very boring and holds no interest to you.

One last thing. I think that the most wonderful thing in the world is to be a kind person. So please be nice to each other. In fact, to paraphrase Bill or perhaps Ted, "Be excellent to each other"
